Air, marine and rail incident reports

Reports published relating to air, marine and rail incidents concerning the UK from the AAIB, MAIB and RAIB.

Safety warning issued following the foundering of fishing vessel Argos Georgia with the loss of 13 lives
Safety warning issued following the foundering of fishing vessel Argos Georgia with the loss of 13 lives This bulletin urges owners, operators and skipper of fishing vessels fitted with side shell doors to ensure suitable and sufficient risk assessment of watertight integrity. HM Government © British Crown copyright, HM Government - Marine Accidents Investigation Branch (MAIB). This information is published in full at - click here to read more.
Collision between pair trawlers Guiding Light and Guiding Star resulting in Guiding Star flooding and sinking
Collision between pair trawlers Guiding Light and Guiding Star resulting in Guiding Star flooding and sinking Location: 33 nautical miles south-east of Fair Isle, Scotland. HM Government © British Crown copyright, HM Government - Marine Accidents Investigation Branch (MAIB). This information is published in full at - click here to read more.
Safety warning issued following a man overboard from potting vessel Kingfisher with loss of 1 life
Safety warning issued following a man overboard from potting vessel Kingfisher with loss of 1 life This bulletin urges fishing vessel owners and crew to review their deck risk assessments ensuring that hazards associated with the shooting or recovery of creels are fully mitigated. HM Government © British Crown copyright, HM Government - Marine Accidents Investigation Branch (MAIB). This information is published in full at - click here to read more.
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