
  1. Brunlea

    ATR 72 crashes in Vinhedo, São Paulo, Brazil - Voepass Flight 2283

    A Voepass ATR 72, Flight 2283, has crashed in Vinhedo, São Paulo, Brazil with no survivors reported.
  2. Brunlea

    Simulation Microsoft Flight Simulator and Gaming Services - crashing the sim

    Ever wondered why MSFS crashes on PC for an unknown reason? It could be because the Gaming Services application has had an update, which closes MSFS when it's done. Why, being a Microsoft product, Gaming Services updates when you are running a Microsoft game is completely bonkers in my mind...
  3. Brunlea

    Pilot (and plane VH-MYW) just about make it to Sydney’s Bankstown Airport

    The pilot did amazing and just managed to land at Sydney’s Bankstown Airport:

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