
  1. Brunlea

    Action Half-Life 2: 20th Anniversary Documentary

    To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the release of Half-Life 2, we've gotten members of the HL2 team back to talk about the game's development, how we almost ran out of money, what it was like when we were hacked, what happened when we were sued by our publisher, the birthplace of Steam, and...
  2. Brunlea

    Steam weekly maintenance - Tuesdays 2300-0200 [BST] / 1800-2100 [EST]

    Just a reminder that Steam does weekly maintenance on Tuesdays between 2300 and 0200 British Summer Time / 6PM and 9PM Eastern Standard Time. If you're playing a game online, you may get disconnected. Steam Downtime and Server Maintenance Why was the downtime scheduled at the time it was...

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