
  1. Brunlea

    Whistler EZScan socket error - host not found - connection refused - Whistler updates

    Whistler are having issues with their website at the moment meaning trying to update the radio via EZScan gives you an error message. Whistler have acknowledged the error and say a fix should be available within a couple of weeks. More information is available on this thread at Radio...
  2. Brunlea

    Simulation Microsoft Flight Simulator and Gaming Services - crashing the sim

    Ever wondered why MSFS crashes on PC for an unknown reason? It could be because the Gaming Services application has had an update, which closes MSFS when it's done. Why, being a Microsoft product, Gaming Services updates when you are running a Microsoft game is completely bonkers in my mind...
  3. Brunlea

    Simulation Star Citizen - Letter from the Chairman

    So, some news from RSI, the developers of Star Citizen, with a 'Letter from the Chairman' posted on their website:

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