Air, marine and rail incident reports

Reports published relating to air, marine and rail incidents concerning the UK from the AAIB, MAIB and RAIB.

Safety warning issued after discovery of blocked fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system pilot hoses Initial investigation into a fire on board the ro-ro cargo ship Finnmaster while departing Hull, England, found potential manufacturing defects with pilot system hose assemblies. HM Government Source: Marine Accidents Investigations Branch. This information is published in full at - click here to read more.
Safety warning about crushing injuries in stowage spaces after the loss of 1 life on ro-ro ferry Clipper Pennant
Safety warning about crushing injuries in stowage spaces after the loss of 1 life on ro-ro ferry Clipper Pennant Initial findings of the investigation into a fatal accident to a crewman while working on an upper vehicle deck. HM Government Source: Marine Accidents Investigations Branch. This information is published in full at - click here to read more.
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