A £1.86bn investment in digital technology, GSM-R paves the way for more efficient signalling systems
The Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway (GSM-R) delivers digital, secure and dependable communications between drivers and signallers. This helps to increase safety, reduce delays and improve performance – providing a better experience for passengers.
How it works
GSM-R supports secure and reliable driver-signaller communication by bringing together the most effective combination of technology, processes and people.
Using a customised fixed telecoms network alongside mobile technology, its processes include journey registration, operational messaging and prioritising
driver-signaller communications. Those involved range from drivers and signallers to managers, controllers and maintenance staff.
Why use GSM-R?
There were two key drivers for the introduction of GSM-R: the requirement to comply with the European common standard for digital data and voice communications in railway applications, and to follow recommendations from major incident enquiries.
Improving safety
GSM-R delivers direct radio driver-signaller communications at all times. This includes areas such as tunnels and deep cuttings, where radio communications have not previously been possible, therefore the system:
- improves safety for drivers, maintenance teams and passengers.
- ensures faster and more effective responses to potential hazards with applications such as Railway Emergency Call.
- eliminates the need for drivers to exit the train in the event of a problem.
- Reducing operating costs
- By replacing the patchwork of increasingly inefficient and expensive legacy systems, GSM-R reduces ongoing maintenance costs, improves reliability and delivers the foundation for a digitally enabled railway network.
Moving away from analogue
Previous radio driver-signaller communications relied on analogue radio networks. These had limited functionality and had become increasingly expensive to maintain.
New digital technology also means we can keep pace with industry developments such as ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) and ETCS (European Train Control System).
You can read more about this on the
Digital Railway website.
The benefits
GSM-R raises safety, performance and customer experience standards across Britain’s whole rail network, while delivering the foundation for a digitally enabled railway that will deliver real benefits to passengers and industry alike.
- Increased safety
- Improved performance
- Enhanced passenger experience
- Digital future
The story so far
- 15,000km + of railway lines covered
- 2,500 GSM-R telecoms masts
- 8,574 installed cab radios
- 100% coverage across the GSM-R radio network
- 21,200 drivers and signallers trained
- 860 signaller terminals
- 2 switching centres
Source and further reading:
The Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway delivers digital, secure and dependable communications between drivers and signallers.
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